We take network and data security seriously
Cyber security is a hot topic. Daily news is regularly peppered with stories about data compromise, an expensive proposition to businesses and corporations across the globe. In fact, the average annualized cost of cybercrime in 2015 was $15 million, representing nearly a 20 percent increase year over year and an 82 percent increase since the Ponemon Institute’s Cost of Cyber Crime Study was created some seven years ago. In addition, the need for data security is ranked as the top priority for investing in IT funding by 70 percent of companies surveyed by IDG Research Services for a recent Datalink report. Seventy-five percent of organizations consider IT security more important today than just two years ago and 74 percent have security projects in the works.
At APL Access & Security, we recognize this ongoing, trending topic and continue to update our efforts to make sure customers and their systems have inherent cyber security safeguards in their networks and physical security. The goal is to make integrated physical security solutions seamless, but also ensure data is protected and the network is not vulnerable to hacking or loss of privileged information from outside threats.
Establishing data security starts with best-in-class hardware. The equipment we select is reliable, tested and includes signal encryption and other measures to prevent surreptitious takeover, like two-factor authentication, TLS encryption and a secure SSL connection.
Strong passwords a prerequisite
Cyber security from the ground up requires robust and regularly updated passwords. Never use passwords such as 123456 or password, and change these credentials often. Use a combination of lowercase, uppercase, numbers and special characters. We can help you set up your systems with passwords and other methods to fortify your network and keep your security system signaling and network communications from getting into the wrong hands.
In addition, our UL-listed central monitoring station personnel are highly trained on what to look for should threats arise, such as repeated attempts to re-enter passwords by unauthorized persons trying to gain entrance to the protected premises. APL Access & Security systems engineers, technicians and installers are certified and always learning the latest processes, procedures and protocols to protect data and network communications from emerging threats. In addition, we are a member of PSA Security Network, Westminster, Colo., following the guidelines and educational resources from this leading organization in an effort to continually address and establish effective and proactive cyber security plans for customers.
And, as a GSA Schedule provider, we have the training and expertise to meet stringent requirements of government buyers as well as our corporate clientele. We’re also UL 2050 Certified, meeting standards of the Department of Defense and armed forces. Our expertise in these vertical markets translates into effective cyber security protocols for every vertical market and customer we serve.
We’re happy to provide more information on our efforts to take a bite out of cybercrime and keep your integrated physical security, network and data communications safe and secure. Contact us today for more information.
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